Civic Data Alliance

National Day of Civic Hacking

Civic Data Alliance presents the annual National Day of Civic Hacking

5th Annual National Day of Civic Hacking

Join the Civic Data Alliance, Metro Louisville’s OPI2 for the 5th Annual National Day of Civic Hacking at LouieLab and Hack for Change.

Hack for Change Louisville is being held as an annual day of action to convene coders, bureaucrats, data scientists, journalists, user experience designers, and community activists to tackle big problems. This year, we’re doubling down on our cities and focusing on local challenges that Louisville faces. Privacy and safety issues local activists face online, with a focus on data security, will be one issue addressed at NDoCH, and work on our IoT voter registration project will continue.


A huge thank you and shoutout to Forest Giant for their generous contribution to the CDA to support the National Day of Civic Hacking. Forest Giant makes awesome things. Check them out!

National Day of Civic Hacking Louisville has these main goals:

  • Create a one-day environment for citizens to create innovative projects using open public data.
  • Identify opportunities to brainstorm, capture, design, and even deploy valuable projects that serve the city.
  • Bring together local government officials, municipal employees, experts, programmers, designers, citizens, and journalists to share thoughts on the City of Louisville’s open data portal.
  • Foster communities of practice and advocacy on the role of the civic innovation, mobile communication, online information, and open data at the City of Louisville.
  • Discover other datasets that contain public information at the city, county, and state level that should be made public (property, transit, GIS, etc).
  • Create outcomes that participants will act upon after the event is over.

Project Skillsets Needed:

Projects might include any of the following skills, we always need your help:

Research (web/email/phone), project management, hardware hackers, copywriters, data entry, modifying existing code, using 3rd party online services or APIs, graphic design, interactive design, user experience (UX), user interface (UI), documentation, presentation creation, mapping, and/or data analysis!

Who should get involved? Urbanists, civic hackers, government staff, developers, designers, community organizers, and anyone with the passion for making their city better.

WHAT TO BRING: Your laptop, power cables, software, smartphones, chargers, monitors, mice, ideas, and self.

HOW TO PREPARE: Though we will be working together to plan to build actual skills and apps based off the new Health Data during the event, if you are non-technical, we still need your help.

During the event entrepreneurs, marketing, designers, and regular citizens can help steer the direction of the project, explore great ideas, and work on the presentation in order to communicate the idea clearly. Plus there is always data to munge.


9am – Introductions and overview, project tracks review

10am – Break into self-organized groups to work on projects

4-5pm – Present projects, successes, roadblocks, next steps, hacking end, head off to dinner and drinks with your new friends.


Metro OPI2


If you’d like your company logo here with a link, mentions on our social media accounts and Meetup posts, the opportunity to speak at the event, a swag table, and a write up in our event recap blog post, please get in touch with us or make a donation.

Sponsorship $200 - Donate Now

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