Please RSVP for this event: RSVP here!
Food insecurity, through a myriad of avenues, is a very real and dangerous problem in Louisville. 6.1% of the population lives in a food desert. 3.9% of children in Louisville have low access to a grocery store (more than one mile).
122,030 Jefferson County residents are currently experiencing food insecurity. That’s 16.1% of our friends, neighbors, relatives, constituents, and community. Of those 122,030 people, 31% don’t qualify for any sort of assistance programs and it would cost a total of $63,441,000 to meet their food needs.
So how do we help?
“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”.
“Technology can contribute to food justice if it demonstrates effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and waste reduction.”
“To successfully implement tech solutions in low income areas, companies should lay to the strengths and assets of the communities, rather than focus on identifying problems they think only outsiders can fix.”
Through a combination of corporate sponsors and grassroots/non-profit partners, Civic Data Alliance wants to focus on the issue of food insecurity here in Louisville with our Feed Louisville Hackathon on February 17, 2018. We will hear from our partners what ways we can use data and technology to help promote food justice here in Louisville and then spend the day building out or working on projects to combat the oppression known as food insecurity. Please join us and our co-hosts on 2/17 to help our communities! Bring your laptop, tablet, smartphone, notepad, and/or head full of ideas!
Hosts and Sponsors:
Civic Data Alliance Metro Louisville OPI2 Humana Dare to Care Good to Grow Green Kentucky Harvest IDEAS xLab University of Louisville Louisville Grows Louisville Food Co-Opt Black Lives Matter Louisville/Stand Up Sunday Play Cousins Collective
If you attend the event please plan on bringing a covered dish, a brown bag lunch or funds for take out, as we will be donating the funds usually reserved for catering and swag to organizations in the community that address food insecurity. Threads for food are in the Discussion part of the event on Facebook.
We will be providing child care at the event. Please fill out the information here so we can arrange to provide activities and care for your children during our event.