Civic Data Alliance

Code Across America

This event was timed to coincide with International Open Data Day. The day brought together local government leaders and staff, local organizations, non-profits, businesses, visitors, and community members and was focused on volunteer civic innovation.

We had our biggest turnout ever with over 50 people participating. Thanks to Code Louisville for event hosting and promotions, and for many of its members who attended.


Smart Louisville is a partnership with Louisville Metro government. We modeled our initiative after Smart Chicago’s success. Many of the projects at the event were setup and hosted on the brand new Cloud Collaborative platform.


We self-organized around 6 different projects, most of which the CDA prepped beforehand.

Project 1: CityVoice for Louisville

Project 2: KY Primary Voting Engagement

Project 3: Vacant Property Analysis

Project 4: Local Business Discovery App

Project 5 - Kentucky Decoded

Project 6 - Broadband Map


Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make this happen, to everyone who came and hacked away the day, and to our event sponsors!

See you next year!

And stay tuned for our Hack for Change day on June 4.


This project is maintained by civicdata with image compression using guetzli